Monday, 19 January 2009

Disabled Scooter Tricks, Alcohol and Driving School

Three articles in the world of disabled scooters attracted my attention this past week. What is mostly interesting about them is they are very abstract and are based around three completely different situations but all involving a mobility scooter.

I take a lot of time to research new developments on our scooters that include reviews, press releases and of course articles from users of the scooters. On our site, we have many reviews that we like to provide to help people understand the scooter. These include detailed product information, customer reviews and some demonstration videos. The latter are usually from the manufacturers who demonstrate the scooter's features and how it can be used. I was amazed however, to find this video of a demonstration of a different kind for a Rascal Scooter:

Rascal Scooter Tricks

There was an interesting psychological study published recently, that described the effects of different types of training for using a mobility scooter and a user's ability to use the scooter. The details can be found in this brief synopsis. Although it did bring up that the type of training given can directly influence the ability of driving a scooter, it made me think about the need for what is similar to a driving school for scooters. I have blogged about this before (see this post) as there have been numerous articles in the press about accidents involving scooters seen here, and here. Although there is obviously a number of accidents involving scooters, to enforce a strict 'driving licence' for users could quite possibly put more restrictions of people's mobility. Users of mobility scooters are given a lifeline and freedom that they might not have and by making an enforced driving licence might restrict this freedom even further.

It is my view that the manufacturers and suppliers of scooters should provide all the help and advice that is needed to opperate the scooters effectively and confidently. When buying a disabled scooter, shop around for a supplier that can offer advice, a demonstration or even instruction on how to use a scooter. Many scooter suppliers often have a showroom, so go and visit them.

Last but not least is was this quite amazing story of a drunken woman who stole a disabled scooter from Asda and then tried to drive it nearly 10 miles to her home. After breaking a heel of a shoe on a night out, the scooter obviously looked like an attractive option for the rest of the journey home. Police later stopped her for driving erratically after 2 and a half miles where it was recorded she was two times over the legal limit for alcohol. Quite the disreagard for people with disabilities. Read the full article here.

MobilityBuddy not only provide a comprehensive range of disabled scooters, but also a sympathetic and understanding of our customers needs. Visit

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