Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Disability Scooters same as F1 Cars!!

In their wisdom, the EU's Customs Commitee has voted to reclassify disabled scooters, making them subject to an import duty of 10%. This ruling classifies scooters as "motor vehicles for the transport of persons", a classification that also includes F1 cars.

Rob Tolan, Senior Policy Officer at Elizabeth Finn Care, a grant-giving charity which helps people buy the scooters, said:

"Put simply, this is a tax on the disabled. Disabled people are twice as likely to live in low income households than the able bodied and two fifths of adults between 45 and 65 on below average incomes have a limiting, long-standing illness or disability.

"This will cause unnecessary suffering to so many disabled people already struggling with financial hardship."

If you're concerned about these changes or would like to buy a disabled scooter online, give Mobility Buddy a call on 0115 975 7900.

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